Illustrative Master Plan
California State University Cal Poly Pomona
The Master Plan Update addresses short and long-term issues for the institution including enrollment growth, reduction of state funding, and infrastructure improvements. The plan envisions a compact academic core and enhanced student engagement. It expands the opportunities for the polytechnic experience. Pedestrian connections with the core campus and to campus edges are strengthened and made more accessible. Pedestrian safety is addressed through an expansion of open spaces and connecting pedestrian ways, public-private partnership financed infrastructure improvements, and bicycle pathways. The University’s commitment to greenhouse gas reduction and sustainability is a foundation for the Master Plan.
Key Elements of the Plan
- Twenty-year master plan for existing state institution.
- Replacement of 1,200 beds of first-year student housing and dining with mixed-use residential academic district.
- Expansion of student residences and provisions for staff, faculty, and graduate housing.
- Traffic, parking, and vehicular circulation to accommodate commuter, service, and emergency access.
- Planning supportive of the polytechnic mission of the University.
- Parking consolidation with more efficient and safer access and traffic movement.
- Clarity and safety of pedestrian circulation, including linkages to remote facilities and new bicycle ways.
- Locations for new facilities, with an emphasis on in-fill sites.
- Expansion and clarity of the campus open space framework.
- Implementation plan and facilities priorities.
- Budgetary analysis and defined needs for the Capital Plans.
- Enhanced identity.
- Recommendations for sustainability and energy and greenhouse gas reductions.
- Large number of constituency groups.
- Opportunities for public-private partnerships to sustain the University and to provide for improvements not funded by the state.
Associated Architect: Sasaki Associates
Landscape Framework